Watson’s Hats – Made With Pride
Each hat is cared for just the same as the next with precision and respect. At Watson’s Hat Shop we offer some of the finest pure beaver fur felt hats! Also, you will find that we make our hats from the finest Panama hat bodies (hand woven in Ecuador). You can choose from up to 29 different colors, and 80 different types of ribbon in various widths. Also, we have custom leather hat bands, braided horse hair hat bands, custom silver and gold hat bands with your choice of gem stones, and braided kangaroo hat bands, and custom silver hat band buckle sets.
We can even customize the hat band with your ranch logo, racing logo, or a special design. Maybe there is a favorite movie or hat that you would like made? No problem, just stop in and let me know exactly what you would like. If you’re not sure, what hat may look good on you and fit your face and body features then leave it to me. This is where my artistic ability really comes into play. Together we will customize a great looking hat that you will love and be proud to wear for a long time.